I know it has been a while...But I make no excuses, I am busy! Sometimes I think my gosh where does the time go. I really don't think we have done a lot until I am scrolling through pictures and trying to decide what to put in this blog.
Let me begin. Easter was not much fun. Maddie and Georgia were so sick! Maddie had strep throat that took her out of school for three days with a fever of 101. Georgia had ear infections and a throat infection. She was so sick that she actually spiked a fever and made her have what is called a febrile seizure. Scared me, I knew what was happening, but still very scary. Called 911 and everything. We are all doing better now thank goodness.
Spring Break we headed to Vegas. My sister Caysi's house is the new hang out. We are using her for her pool. We actually had a really good time. Her daughter Gracie had a pool party for her 10th birthday so we went down for that. My brother Brad and his fiance Shannon came up for the weekend. My mom also flew down. So it was really fun hanging out, swimming, and visiting.
Me, Briaunna, and Georgia went and watched my niece Tiffani audition for a talent competition at UVU and she won! So she gets to perform at the Kelly Clarkson concert next month! We are so excited to get to go watch her.
Maddie had crazy hair day at school. I was pretty proud of her flower pot hairdo.
And finally, Georgia turned one! I can't believe my little baby is one. Although she doesn't crawl yet, she scoots around like crazy! I have to watch her closely as she can open cupboards and pull cords that are hanging over the counter...yeah, not good when the curling iron falls an inch from her head.
We have also had 2 of our nephews missionary farewells. JT Lindsay left in March to Seattle, Washington. Alex Talbot leaves May 6th to Tampa Bay, Florida spanish speaking.
My niece Amber also graduated from UVU with her degree in graphic arts! Congratulations!
I think I covered everything! I hope everyone is doing good and I will try to update again soon.

Georgia at Auntie Caysi's sittin by the pool eating a strawberry
Uncle Brad feeding Little G some pancakes

Easter morning with my sick girls

Crazy hair day for Maddie

Maddie and Gracie getting ready to swim

All the girls went to Thanksgiving Point to the Tulip Gardens
Tiffani, Bailey, Maddie, Presli, and Georgia. Grandma Lindsay
Hunter, Conner, Carina, Dani, and Jason came as well.
Georgia and Presli after Tiffani's audition

Georgia, Briaunna, and Mely during Tiffani's audition

Georgia's First Birthday Cake